
 view release on metacpan or  search on metacpan

CHANGES  view on Meta::CPAN

 (TS)   added ars_BeginBulkEntryTransaction, ars_EndBulkEntryTransaction

 (TS)   added AR_FIELD_OFFSET handling in perl_ARFieldValueOrArithStruct (support.c)

 (TS)   added ars_SetSessionConfiguration

 (TS)   completed sv_to_ARCurrencyStruct (support.c)

 (TS) set $ARS::logging_file_ptr = 0 to avoid "uninitialized" warning 

 (TS)   changed t/01import.t to import form "ARSperl Test3"

 (TS)   added ars_CreateContainer, ars_SetContainer

 (TS)   added ars_CreateFilter, ars_SetFilter, ars_CreateEscalation, ars_SetEscalation,

 (TS)   added declaration of boolcpyHVal(...) to supportrev.h

 (TS)   added declaration of revTypeName(...) to supportrev.h

MANIFEST  view on Meta::CPAN


Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

#	      'LD' => "/usr/ccs/bin/ld",

# don't fiddle with this

              'realclean' => {
		 'FILES' => 'support.h ARS/ ARS/ ARS/  t/config.cache serverTypeInfoHints.h *~ .purify ' 


print "
Type 'make' (windows: 'nmake') to build ARSperl.
Type 'make test' to test ARSperl before installing.
Type 'make install' to install ARSperl.


exit 0;

example/  view on Meta::CPAN

( my %fids = ars_GetFieldTable( $ctrl, $schema ) )
  || die "ars_GetFieldTable: $ars_errstr";

( my $qual = ars_LoadQualifier( $ctrl, $schema, "(1 = 1)" ) )
  || die "ars_LoadQualifier: $ars_errstr";

# basic format: allow the server to provide sorting order
# and query list fields.

print "Testing: basic format.\n";

( my @entries = ars_GetListEntry( $ctrl, $schema, $qual, 0, 0 ) )
  || die "ars_GetListEntry: $ars_errstr";

for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $#entries ; $i += 2 ) {
    printf( "%s %s\n", $entries[$i], $entries[ $i + 1 ] );

# another format: specify a sorting order.
# sort by license type, ascending.

print "Testing: basic + sorting format.\n";

( my @sorted_entries =
      ars_GetListEntry( $ctrl, $schema, $qual, 0, 0, $fids{$login_name}, 1 ) )
  ||    # sort on Login Name, ascending
  die "ars_GetListEntry: $ars_errstr";

for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $#sorted_entries ; $i += 2 ) {
    printf( "%s %s\n", $sorted_entries[$i], $sorted_entries[ $i + 1 ] );

# another format: specify a custom query list field-list.

print "Testing: basic + sorting + custom field-list format.\n";

if ( !defined( $fids{$login_name} ) || !defined( $fids{$full_name} ) ) {
"Sorry. Either i can't find the field-id for \"$login_name\" or \"$full_name\"\n on your \"$schema\" form. I'm skipping this test.\n";
else {
        my @basic_sorted_entries = ars_GetListEntry(
            $ctrl, $schema, $qual, 0, 0,

example/  view on Meta::CPAN


use ARS;

$c = ars_Login(shift, shift, shift);
%f = ars_GetFieldTable($c, "ARSperl Test");
foreach (keys %f) {
  $r{$f{$_}} = $_;

print "Creating new entry with an attachment..\n";

($id = ars_CreateEntry($c, "ARSperl Test", 
		$f{'Attachment Field'}, { file => "/tmp/test", size => 0 },
		#$f{'Attachment Field'}, { buffer => "/tmp/test", size => 9 },
		$f{'Submitter'}, "jeff",
		$f{'Status'}, 1,
		$f{'Short Description'}, "none")) || 
  die "CreateEntry: $ars_errstr";

print "Created entry $id\n";

print "Fetching the entry we just made..\n";

%v = ars_GetEntry($c, "ARSperl Test", $id);
foreach (keys %v) {
  print "$r{$_} = $v{$_}\n";
  dh($v{$_}) if $r{$_} eq "Attachment Field";
  ra($_) if $r{$_} eq "Attachment Field";


exit 0;

html/changes.html  view on Meta::CPAN

<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added ars_BeginBulkEntryTransaction, ars_EndBulkEntryTransaction 
<tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added AR_FIELD_OFFSET handling in perl_ARFieldValueOrArithStruct (support.c) 
<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added ars_SetSessionConfiguration 
<tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>completed sv_to_ARCurrencyStruct (support.c) 
<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'> set $ARS::logging_file_ptr = 0 to avoid "uninitialized" warning  
<tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>changed t/01import.t to import form "ARSperl Test3" 
<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added ars_CreateContainer, ars_SetContainer 
<tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added ars_CreateFilter, ars_SetFilter, ars_CreateEscalation, ars_SetEscalation, 
ars_SetActiveLink </font></td></tr>
<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added declaration of boolcpyHVal(...) to supportrev.h 
<tr bgcolor='#eeeeee'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added declaration of revTypeName(...) to supportrev.h 
<tr bgcolor='#dddddd'><td width='10%'>(TS)</td><td width='90%'><font color='black'>added "rev_ARReferenceStruct" to supportrev.c 

html/manual/ars_GetEntryBLOB.html  view on Meta::CPAN

          <DT><B>On success</B><DD>
	        returns 1 if locType == AR_LOC_FILENAME <BR>
	        returns a scalar buffer if locType == AR_LOC_BUFFER <BR>
          <DT><B>On failure</B><DD>
              Returns <CODE>undef</CODE>.


  ars_GetEntryBLOB($c, "00-Test", "000000000000001",
		   "/tmp/attachtest") || 
		     die ("GetEntryBLOB: $ars_errstr");

  my $a = ars_GetEntryBLOB($c, "00-Test", "000000000000001",

  die "GetEntryBLOB: $ars_errstr" if(!defined($a));
  print "blob size = ".length($a)."\n";
  open(FD, "&gt;/tmp/attachtest2") || die "open: $!";
  print FD $a;

html/manual/ars_SetImpersonatedUser.html  view on Meta::CPAN

         <DT><B>On success</B><DD>
		   Returns 1
         <DT><B>On failure</B><DD>
           Returns 0


	      ars_SetImpersonatedUser($ctrl,"TestUser") || die "$ars_errstr";

<I>ars_SetImpersonatedUser was introduced in version 1.90 of ARSperl</I>

<HR WIDTH="30%">
<A HREF="toc.html"><IMG ALT="&lt;--" SRC="arrow.gif" ALIGN=CENTER> Table of Contents </A>

html/manual/ars_SetLogging.html  view on Meta::CPAN


  # start filter and sql logging
  # (the logfile gets opened for appending)   
          "/var/log/filter_sql.log" ) ||
		  die ("SetLogging (start): $ars_errstr");
  # call any ARS API function
  my $id = ars_CreateEntry( $c, "User", 101 => "TestUser", 109 => 1 );
  # stop logging (specify logTypeMask = 0 and no file)
  # (the logfile gets closed)   
  ars_SetLogging( $c, 0 ) ||
		  die ("SetLogging (end): $ars_errstr");


	<P>If SQL and Filter logging do appear as not working, it may be because the
	  the user is not a member of the "client-side logging group."

t/01import.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if(ars_APIVersion() >= 6) {
  $d = "aptest51.def";
}elsif(ars_APIVersion() >= 4) {
  $d = "aptest50.def";

#  delete the schema (assuming it already exists). if it doesnt,
#  we ignore the error.

ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE); 
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test2", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE); 
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-join", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE); 
ars_DeleteSchema($ctrl, "ARSperl Test3", ARS::AR_SCHEMA_FORCE_DELETE); 
ars_DeleteFilter($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-Filter1"); 
ars_DeleteActiveLink($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-alink1");
ars_DeleteEscalation($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-escalation1");
ars_DeleteCharMenu($ctrl, "ARSperl Test-menu-search1");
ars_DeleteContainer($ctrl,"ARSperl Test-FilterGuide1");

# read in the schema definition

my $buf = "";
open(FD, "./t/".$d) || die "not ok (open $!)\n";
while(<FD>) {
  $buf .= $_;

# import it

my $rv = ars_Import($ctrl,
		    "Schema", "ARSperl Test",
		    "Schema", "ARSperl Test2",
		    "Schema", "ARSperl Test-join",
		    "Schema", "ARSperl Test3",
		    "Filter", "ARSperl Test-Filter1",
		    "Active_Link", "ARSperl Test-alink1",
		    "Escalation", "ARSperl Test-escalation1",
		    "Char_Menu", "ARSperl Test-menu-search1",
			"Container", "ARSperl Test-FilterGuide1",

if(defined($rv) && ($rv == 1)) {
	print "ok\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [$ars_errstr]\n";


t/02export.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my $d = "aptest.def";
if(ars_APIVersion() >= 4) {
  $d = "aptest50.def";

my $def = "";
my $c = 1;

my @objects =  (
		"schema", "ARSperl Test",
		"schema", "ARSperl Test2",
		"schema", "ARSperl Test-join",
		"filter", "ARSperl Test-Filter1",
		"active_link", "ARSperl Test-alink1",
		"escalation", "ARSperl Test-escalation1",
		"char_menu", "ARSperl Test-menu-search1",
		"container", "ARSperl Test-FilterGuide1",

my $junk = ars_Export($ctrl, "", 0, "schema", "blarg292394");
if (defined($junk)) {
  print "not ok [$c]\n";
} else {
  print "ok [$c]\n";

t/09qualifier.t  view on Meta::CPAN

my($ctrl) = ars_Login(&CCACHE::SERVER, 

if(!defined($ctrl)) {
  print "not ok [1]\n";
} else {
  print "ok [1]\n";

my $q1 = ars_LoadQualifier($ctrl, "ARSperl Test", 
				qq{'Status' = "New"}
if (defined($q1)) {
	print "ok [2]\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [2] ($ars_errstr)\n";

print "expect DESTROY..\n";
undef $q1; # should result in a call to DESTROY
print "did you get it? (ARSPDEBUG must be defined)\n";

	my $q2 = ars_LoadQualifier($ctrl, "ARSperl Test", "'Submitter' = \"jcmurphy\"");
	if (defined($q2)) {
		print "ok [3]\n";
	} else {
		print "not ok [3] ($ars_errstr)\n";
# implicit call to DESTROY for q2

my $q3 = ars_LoadQualifier($ctrl, "ARSperl Test", "'Create Date' > \"1/1/2000 01:02:03\"");
if (defined($q3)) {
	print "ok [4]\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [4] ($ars_errstr)\n";

exit 0; #implicit call to DESTROY for q3

t/10alink.t  view on Meta::CPAN

                  &CCACHE::PASSWORD, "","", &CCACHE::TCPPORT);

if (defined($c)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

my $a = ars_GetActiveLink($c, "ARSperl Test-alink1");

if (defined($a)) {
	print "ok [2] (GAL) \n";
} else {
	print "not ok [2] (GAL $ars_errstr)\n";

# the active link should have a schemaList key

t/10entry.t  view on Meta::CPAN

		-username => &CCACHE::USERNAME,
		-password => &CCACHE::PASSWORD,
		-tcpport  => &CCACHE::TCPPORT,
                -catch => { ARS::AR_RETURN_ERROR => "main::mycatch",
                            ARS::AR_RETURN_WARNING => "main::mycatch",
                            ARS::AR_RETURN_FATAL => "main::mycatch"
		-debug => undef);
print "ok [1 cnx]\n";

my $s  = $c->openForm(-form => "ARSperl Test");
print "ok [2 openform]\n";

# test 1:  create an entry

my $id = $s->create("-values" => { 'Submitter' => &CCACHE::USERNAME,
				 'Status' => 'Assigned',
				 'Short Description' => 'A test submission',
				   'Diary Field' => 'A diary entry'

t/10getescalation.t  view on Meta::CPAN

                  &CCACHE::PASSWORD, "","", &CCACHE::TCPPORT);

if (defined($c)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

my $a = ars_GetEscalation($c, "ARSperl Test-escalation1");

if (defined($a)) {
	print "ok [2] (GESC) \n";
} else {
	print "not ok [2] (GESC $ars_errstr)\n";

# the escalation should have a schemaList key

t/10getlist.t  view on Meta::CPAN


use ARS;
use strict;
require './t/config.cache';

use Test::More tests => 9;

my $c = ars_Login(&CCACHE::SERVER, 
                  &CCACHE::PASSWORD, "","", &CCACHE::TCPPORT);

ok(defined($c), "login") || diag "login: $ars_errstr";

	skip 8, "login failed" unless defined($c);

	my @a = ars_GetListEscalation($c, "ARSperl Test");

	ok($#a == 0, "GetListEscalation") ||
		diag "GetListEscalation ($#a) $ars_errstr";

	@a = ars_GetListField($c, "ARSperl Test", 0, 1);
	ok($#a == 110, "GetListField") ||
		diag "GetListField ($#a) $ars_errstr";

	@a = ars_GetListFilter($c, "ARSperl Test");
	ok($#a == 0, "GetListFilter") ||
		diag "GetListFilter ($#a) $ars_errstr";

	@a = ars_GetListGroup($c);
	ok(@a, "GetListGroup") || 
		diag "GetListGroup $ars_errstr";

	@a = ars_GetListSchema($c, 0, 0 + 1024);
	ok(@a, "GetListSchema") ||
		diag "GetListSchema $ars_errstr";

t/12lotsoffields.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if(!defined($ctrl)) {
	print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
	while($TN <= $NT) {
		print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
} else {
	print "ok [", $TN++,"]\n";

my %ft = ars_GetFieldTable($ctrl, "ARSperl Test");

if (%ft) {
	print "ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";
	while($TN <= $NT) {
		print "not ok [", $TN++, "]\n";

t/20merge.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if(!defined($c)) {
	for(my $i = 1 ; $i <= $maxtest ; $i++) {
		print "not ok [$i] [ctrl]\n";
	exit 0;
} else {
	print "ok [1]\n";

my %fids = ars_GetFieldTable($c, "ARSperl Test");

if(!(%fids)) {
	for(my $i = 2 ; $i <= $maxtest ; $i++) {
		print "not ok [$i] [gft]\n";
	exit 0;
} else {
	print "ok [2]\n";

t/32createcontainer.t  view on Meta::CPAN

} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

#my @containers = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} map {$_->{containerName}} ars_GetListContainer( $ctrl, 0, &ARS::AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT, &ARS::ARCON_ALL );
#die "ars_GetListContainer( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
#my @containers = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} map {$_->{containerName}} grep {$_->{containerType} =~ /guide/} ars_GetListContainer( $ctrl, 0, &ARS::AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT, &ARS::ARCON_ALL );
#die "ars_GetListContainer( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
my @containers = ( 'ARSperl Test-FilterGuide1' );

$| = 1;

foreach my $ctnr ( @containers ){
	next if $ctnr =~ / \((copy|renamed)\)$/;
	my $ctnrNew = "$ctnr (copy)";
	ars_DeleteContainer( $ctrl, $ctnrNew );
	copyContainer( $ctrl, $ctnr, $ctnrNew );

t/33setcontainer.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if (defined($ctrl)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

#my @objects = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} grep {/\(copy\)/} map {$_->{containerName}} grep {$_->{containerType} =~ /guide/} ars_GetListContainer( $ctrl, 0, &ARS::AR_HIDDEN_INCREMENT, &ARS::ARCON_ALL );
#die "ars_GetListContainer( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
my @objects = ( 'ARSperl Test-FilterGuide1 (copy)' );

$| = 1;

foreach my $obj ( @objects ){
	next if $obj !~ / \(copy\)$/;
	my $objNew = $obj;
	$objNew =~ s/ \(copy\)$/ (renamed)/;
	ars_DeleteContainer( $ctrl, $objNew );

t/35setactlink.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if (defined($ctrl)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

#my @objects = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} grep {/\(copy\)/} ars_GetListActiveLink( $ctrl );
#die "ars_GetListActiveLink( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
my @objects = ( 'ARSperl Test-alink1 (copy)' );

$| = 1;

foreach my $obj ( @objects ){
	next if $obj !~ / \(copy\)$/;
	my $objNew = $obj;
	$objNew =~ s/ \(copy\)$/ (renamed)/;
	ars_DeleteActiveLink( $ctrl, $objNew );

t/36createfilter.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if (defined($ctrl)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

#my @objects = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} ars_GetListFilter( $ctrl );
#die "ars_GetListFilter( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
my @objects = ( 'ARSperl Test-Filter1' );

$| = 1;

foreach my $obj ( @objects ){
	next if $obj =~ / \((copy|renamed)\)$/;
	my $objNew = "$obj (copy)";
	ars_DeleteFilter( $ctrl, $objNew );
	copyObject( $ctrl, $obj, $objNew );

t/37setfilter.t  view on Meta::CPAN

if (defined($ctrl)) {
	print "ok [1] (login)\n";
} else {
	print "not ok [1] (login $ars_errstr)\n";

#my @objects = sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} grep {/\(copy\)/} ars_GetListFilter( $ctrl );
#die "ars_GetListFilter( ALL ): $ars_errstr\n" if $ars_errstr;
my @objects = ( 'ARSperl Test-Filter1 (copy)' );

$| = 1;

foreach my $obj ( @objects ){
	next if $obj !~ / \(copy\)$/;
	my $objNew = $obj;
	$objNew =~ s/ \(copy\)$/ (renamed)/;
	ars_DeleteFilter( $ctrl, $objNew );

 view all matches for this distribution
 view release on metacpan -  search on metacpan

( run in 2.233 seconds using v1.00-cache-2.02-grep-82fe00e-cpan-585fae043c8 )