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Changes  view on Meta::CPAN

	- $self->{optimizer} changed to $self->{algorithm}
	- all_features changed to all_x
	- Some modification on the documentation to avoid the ambiguity of
	  the concept 'feature'

0.11  Sat Feb 16 17:27:00 2008
	- Optimize the XS code, now the the function 'learn' should run 
	  at least twice faster than 0.10 version
	- New functions in AI::MaxEntropy::Util, which allows the client
	  program manipulate samples more flexibly
	- Replace Test::Differences with is_deeply in Test::More

0.10  Wed Feb 13 16:56:00 2008
	- rewrite the log likelihood evaluation and smoothing by C, now
	  the ME learner should run more than 10 times faster than the
	  previous version
	- add a new module AI::MaxEntropy::Util, which provides some
	  utilities for doing experiments with ME learners
	- AI::MaxEntropy::see now accepts attribute-value style samples
	- include Algorithm::Diff in the distribution for testing

MANIFEST  view on Meta::CPAN

MANIFEST			This list of files

Makefile.PL  view on Meta::CPAN

use inc::Module::Install;

name            'AI-MaxEntropy';
all_from        'lib/AI/';
license         'MIT';

requires        'Algorithm::LBFGS'      => '0.16';
requires        'YAML::Syck'            => '0.87';

include         'Test::Builder';
include         'Test::Builder::Module';
include         'Test::More';
include         'Test::Number::Delta';


    LIBS              => ['-lm'],
    INC               => '-I.',
    OBJECT            => '$(O_FILES)'

inc/Module/  view on Meta::CPAN

	$VERSION = '1.03';

# special map on pre-defined feature sets
my %FeatureMap = (
    ''      => 'Core Features',    # XXX: deprecated
    '-core' => 'Core Features',

# various lexical flags
my ( @Missing, @Existing,  %DisabledTests, $UnderCPAN,     $HasCPANPLUS );
my ( $Config,  $CheckOnly, $SkipInstall,   $AcceptDefault, $TestOnly );
my ( $PostambleActions, $PostambleUsed );

# See if it's a testing or non-interactive session
_accept_default( $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING} or ! -t STDIN ); 

sub _accept_default {
    $AcceptDefault = shift;

inc/Test/  view on Meta::CPAN

#line 1
package Test::Builder;

use 5.004;

# $^C was only introduced in 5.005-ish.  We do this to prevent
# use of uninitialized value warnings in older perls.
$^C ||= 0;

use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.72';
$VERSION = eval $VERSION;    # make the alpha version come out as a number

# Make Test::Builder thread-safe for ithreads.
    use Config;
    # Load threads::shared when threads are turned on.
    # 5.8.0's threads are so busted we no longer support them.
    if( $] >= 5.008001 && $Config{useithreads} && $INC{''}) {
        require threads::shared;

        # Hack around YET ANOTHER threads::shared bug.  It would 
        # occassionally forget the contents of the variable when sharing it.
        # So we first copy the data, then share, then put our copy back.

inc/Test/Builder/  view on Meta::CPAN

#line 1
package Test::Builder::Module;

use Test::Builder;

require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);

$VERSION = '0.72';

use strict;

# 5.004's Exporter doesn't have export_to_level.
my $_export_to_level = sub {

inc/Test/Number/  view on Meta::CPAN

#line 1
package Test::Number::Delta;
use strict;
#use warnings; bah -- not supported before 5.006

use vars qw ($VERSION @EXPORT @ISA);
$VERSION = "1.03";

# Required modules
use Carp;
use Test::Builder;
use Exporter;

@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT = qw( delta_not_ok delta_ok delta_within delta_not_within );

#line 116

my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
my $Epsilon = 1e-6;
my $Relative = undef;

sub import {
    my $self = shift;
    my $pack = caller;
    my $found = grep /within|relative/, @_;
    croak "Can't specify more than one of 'within' or 'relative'"
        if $found > 1;
    if ($found) {
        my ($param,$value) = splice @_, 0, 2;
        croak "'$param' parameter must be non-zero"
            if $value == 0;
        if ($param eq 'within') {
            $Epsilon = abs($value);
        elsif ($param eq 'relative') {
            $Relative = abs($value);
        else {
            croak "Test::Number::Delta parameters must come first";
    $self->export_to_level(1, $self, $_) for @EXPORT;

# _check -- recursive function to perform comparison

sub _check {
    my ($p, $q, $epsilon, $name, @indices) = @_;
    my ($ok, $diag) = ( 1, q{} ); # assume true

t/01-samples.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::Number::Delta within => 1e-5;

my $__;
sub NAME { $__ = shift };

NAME 'Load the module';
BEGIN { use_ok 'AI::MaxEntropy' }

NAME 'Create a Maximum Entropy Leaner';

t/02-learn_by_lbfgs.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Number::Delta within => 1e-5;

my $__;
sub NAME { $__ = shift };

NAME 'Load the module';
BEGIN { use_ok 'AI::MaxEntropy' }

my $me = AI::MaxEntropy->new(smoother => {}); 
$me->see(['round', 'smooth', 'red'] => 'apple' => 2);

t/03-learn_by_gis.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 3;
use Test::Number::Delta within => 1e-5;

my $__;
sub NAME { $__ = shift };

NAME 'Load the module';
BEGIN { use_ok 'AI::MaxEntropy' }

my ($lambda, $d_lambda, $p1_f, $n);
my $zero = 1e-5;

t/04-model.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 5;
use Test::Number::Delta within => 1e-5;

my $__;
sub NAME { $__ = shift };

NAME 'Load AI::MaxEntropy';
BEGIN { use_ok 'AI::MaxEntropy' }

NAME 'Load AI::MaxEntropy::Model';

t/05-util.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 8;
use Test::Number::Delta within => 1e-5;

my $__;
sub NAME { $__ = shift };

NAME 'Load the module';
BEGIN { use_ok 'AI::MaxEntropy::Util', qw(:all) }


t/98-pod.t  view on Meta::CPAN

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

eval "use Test::Pod 1.00";
plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD" if $@;

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