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inc/Pegex/ view on Meta::CPAN
package Pegex::Base;
# use Mo qw'build default builder xxx import nonlazy required';
# The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
# Mo::Inline version 0.38
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.'::'.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{...
our $DumpModule = 'YAML';
inc/TestML/ view on Meta::CPAN
package TestML::Base;
# use Mo qw'build default builder xxx import';
# The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
# Mo::Inline version 0.38
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.::.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M...
our $DumpModule = 'YAML';
lib/IO/All/ view on Meta::CPAN
package IO::All::Base;
# use Mo qw'default build import exporter xxx';
# The following line of code was produced from the previous line by
# Mo::Inline version 0.38
no warnings;my$M=__PACKAGE__.'::';*{$M.Object::new}=sub{my$c=shift;my$s=bless{@_},$c;my%n=%{$c.::.':E'};map{$s->{$_}=$n{$_}->()if!exists$s->{$_}}keys%n;$s};*{$M.import}=sub{import warnings;$^H|=1538;my($P,%e,%o)=caller.'::';shift;eval"no Mo::$_",&{$M...
our @EXPORT = qw(chain option);
sub option {
my $package = caller;
my ($field, $default) = @_;
$default ||= 0;
field("_$field", $default);
no strict 'refs';
*{"${package}::$field"} =
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