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lib/WebService/UMLSKS/Similarity.pm  view on Meta::CPAN

package WebService::UMLSKS::Similarity;

use warnings;
use strict;
use Log::Message::Simple qw[msg error debug];

no warnings qw/redefine/;

=head1 NAME

WebService::UMLSKS::Similarity - access the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) via Webservices

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.23


our $VERSION = '0.23';


=head2 Basic Usage

 	use WebService::UMLS::Similarity;
    # Creating object of similarity with default constructor.
    my $similarity1 = WebService::UMLS::Similarity->new();
    # Creating object of Similarity by providing Configuration parameters.
    my @source_list = ("SNOMEDCT", "MSH");
    my @relation_list = ("PAR", "CHD","RB", "RN") ;
    my $similarity2 = WebService::UMLS::Similarity->new({"sources" =>  \@source_list,"rels"   =>  \@relation_list }	);
    # Creating object of Similarity by providing Cinfiguration file path and name.
    my $similarity3 = WebService::UMLS::Similarity->
    new({"config" => "/home/../config"}); 

	Format of configuaration file

	The configuaration fie accepted by the module should be in the fillowing format
	SAB :: include SNOMEDCT,MSH
	REL :: include PAR,RB
	DIR :: include U,H
	RELA :: include RB-has_part
	Here, SAB is the sources and REL is relations you want to include in 
	searching the UMLS. The list of sources and relations can be provided 
	seperated by comma. Some UMLS sources are :SNOMEDCT,MSH,UWDA,CSP,FMA,NCI


This module creates a new instance of Similarity module and while creating the
instance sets all the configuration parameters which are used in rest of the module.
User can provide the configuration parameters by directly passing them to the 
constructor using a hash of parameters with 'sources' and 'rels' options
or user can provide directly the configuration file path in the constructor using
'config' option. If the user does not specify any configuartion parameters,
defualt parameters are used.  'SNOMEDCT' is the deafult source used and 'PAR|CHD'
are the default relations used.


=head2 new

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