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lib/ASP4/ErrorHandler/  view on Meta::CPAN

package ASP4::ErrorHandler::Remote;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'ASP4::ErrorHandler';
use vars __PACKAGE__->VARS;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTTP::Date 'time2iso';
use JSON::XS;
use Data::Dumper;
require ASP4;

our $ua;

sub run
  my ($s, $context) = @_;
  my $error = $Stash->{error};
  $s->print_error( $error );
}# end run()

sub send_error
  my ($s, $error) = @_;
  $ua ||= LWP::UserAgent->new();
  $ua->agent( ref($s) . " $ASP4::VERSION" );
  my %clone = %$error;
  my $req = POST $Config->errors->post_errors_to, \%clone;
  $ua->request( $req );
}# end send_error()

1;# return true:


=head1 NAME

ASP4::ErrorHandler::Remote - Send your errors someplace else via http.


In your C<asp4-config.json>:

    "errors": {
      "error_handler":    "ASP4::ErrorHandler::Remote",
      "post_errors_to":   ""


This class provides a default error handler which does the following:

1) Makes a simple HTML page and prints it to the browser, telling the user
that an error has just occurred.

2) Sends an error notification to the web address specified in the config.

The data contained within the POST will match the public properties of L<ASP4::Error>, like this:

  $VAR1 = {
            'remote_addr' => '',
            'request_uri' => '/',

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