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package ASP4::ConfigLoader;

use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Carp 'confess';
use ASP4::ConfigFinder;
use ASP4::ConfigParser;
use JSON::XS;

our $Configs = { };

sub load
  my ($s) = @_;
  my $path = ASP4::ConfigFinder->config_path;
  my $file_time = (stat($path))[7];
  if( exists($Configs->{$path}) && ( $file_time <= $Configs->{$path}->{timestamp} ) )
    return $Configs->{$path}->{data};
  }# end if()
  open my $ifh, '<', $path
    or die "Cannot open '$path' for reading: $!";
  local $/;
  my $doc = decode_json( scalar(<$ifh>) );
  (my $where = $path) =~ s/\/conf\/[^\/]+$//;
  $Configs->{$path} = {
    data      => ASP4::ConfigParser->new->parse( $doc, $where ),
    timestamp => $file_time,
  return $Configs->{$path}->{data};
}# end parse()

1;# return true:



=head1 NAME

ASP4::ConfigLoader - Universal access to the configuration.


  use ASP4::ConfigLoader;
  my $Config = ASP4::ConfigLoader->load();
  # $Config is a ASP4::Config object.


This package solves the "How do I get my config?" problem most web applications
end up with at some point.

Config data is cached on a per-path basis.  Paths are full - i.e. C</usr/local/projects/> - 
so there should never be a clash between two different configurations on the
same web server, even if it is running multiple websites as VirtualHosts.


=head2 load( )

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