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Get a \[list of\] issue(s) / agenc(y|ies) / propert(y|ies) / property address(es) / landlord(s) / landlord\_property:

my $paginator = $ff->issues( %query_params );

my $issue     = $ff->issue( $id );

Will return a [Business::Fixflo::Paginator]( object (when calling endpoints
that return lists of items) or a Business::Fixflo:: object for the Issue,
Agency, etc.

%query\_params refers to the possible query params as shown in the currency
Fixflo API documentation. For example: page=\[n\]. You can pass DateTime objects
through and these will be correctly changed into strings when calling the API:

# issues raised in the previous month
my $paginator = $ff->issues(
    CreatedSince  => DateTime->now->subtract( months => 1 ),

# properties in given postal code
my $paginator = $ff->properties(
    Keywords => 'NW1',

Refer to the [Business::Fixflo::Paginator]( documentation for what to do with
the returned paginator object.

Note the property method can take a flag to indicate that the passed $id is an
external reference:

my $Property = $ff->property( 'P123',1 );

Note the landlord method can take a flag to indicate that the passed $id is an
email address

my $Landlord = $ff->landlord( '',1 );

Note the landlord\_property method can take two arguments, it only one is passed
this is taken as the LandlordPropertyId, if two arguments are passed they are
taken as the LandlordId and the PropertyId:

my $LandlordProperty = $ff->landlord_property( $landlord_property_id );

my $LandlordProperty = $ff->landlord_property( $landlord_id,$property_id );


See the t/002\_end\_to\_end.t test included with this distribution. you can run
this test against the fixflo test server (requires ENV variables to set the
Fixflo credentials)
















Lee Johnson - ``


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation,
features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request:


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