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INSTALL  view on Meta::CPAN

	Apache::SecSess Installation

NOTE: This is beta software.  Some "install" targets in makefiles 
will blow away things you might not expect like httpd.conf.  It is best to 
install this into a virgin Apache installation.
	Also, only the core module is properly handled by top-level Makefile(.PL)
targets.  The demo pieces currently require extra attention to individual 
Makefiles as described below.

1. Install Apache::SecSess module

Here, you should be able to rely on standard Perl.

	perl Makefile.PL
	make install

2. Setup SSL certificates used in demo

Attend to definition APACHE in utils/Makefile.

3. make install_demo (at top level)

This will populate the DB, install demo htdocs, and make certificates.

Note: you will need (Apache::) Mason for the demo, but not for the
core Apache::SecSess module.  Therefore perl Makefile.PL will not
warn you if you don't have Mason.

4. Set up database used in demo.  Currently only postgres is supported.
You must create a database user and database in the standard way for 

	/bin/su -
	/bin/su - postgres
	createuser user
	/bin/su - user
	createdb dbname

Attend to makefile definitions in "db/Makefile"; DBNAME=dbname and 
DBUSER=user as above.  AS THAT USER,

	cd db; make init


	cd db; cp dbilogin.txt /usr/local/apache/conf/private

NOTE: This path is hard-coded in startup.pl, so if you change it, you must
change it consistently everywhere.

5. Set up IP Aliasing.

The demo shows the transfer of credentials between different hosts.  You
don't actually need separate physical hosts, if your machine supports IP 

On Linux, if you have an old kernel (<2.4?) read the HOWTO on IP Aliasing.  
Otherwise (new linux kernels), ip aliasing is automatic.  Here is the 
relevant fragment from my /etc/hosts:

	## prototype web devel virtual hosts (some Libertarians)	adam.acme.com adam smith	lysander.acme.com lysander spooner	tom.acme.com tom thomas paine	john.sec.acme.com john locke	milt.sec.acme.com milton friedman	noam.acme.org noam chomsky	stu.transacme.com jstuart mill

and here is a typical /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0:?


6. Start Apache and import certs

In utils, you will find X.509 client certificate bob.p12. Import it into
your browser according to its instructions (Netscape: Security =>
Certificates:Yours => Import a Certificate ...).  You will need the
PKCS#12 passowrd.

	bob's PKCS12 Password: certb@by

Connect to adam.acme.com, and import the Signing certificate from menu

7. Try the demos.

All relevant user login info is:

	user: bob
	password: sekret
	pin code: 0918

As you go from top to bottom in the menu, there are increasing
authentication requirements, and increasingly strong credentials are
issued.  When you get to milt.sec.acme.com, watch carefully, as you will 
be redirected to stu.transacme.com for login.  And, when stu issues
URL credentials you will be transparently redirected across domains to get
cookies for milt.sec.acme.com and noam.acme.org, before being redirected
back to the original milt request.  Then you may hop to noam and stu 
without further interruption.

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